Affordable Well-Water Testing Available
Attention Wayne Residents:
If you, or someone you know, has not had your well water tested for arsenic, this is a chance to do that inexpensively. There are now inexpensive ways to treat high levels of arsenic. Arsenic in drinking water increases the risk of bladder and skin cancer and diabetes. Kennebec County has one of the highest percentages of home wells testing high for arsenic. For at least the next month, The Environmental Health Strategy Center in Portland is providing drinking water testing on a sliding scale- Free to $50. They also have some zero water filter containers to give away- these filter arsenic out of water. They can tell you about other ways to treat arsenic in water. You can reach them through their interns: Riley Harris: or (207) 370-0459 or Ketty Stinson: or (207) 358-9163
For more information about the organization and about this initiative, go to: