Village Advisory Committee


Type of Committee: The Village Advisory Committee is an advisory committee to the Selectboard that will review, comment and rewrite the “A Plan for Wayne Village at Mill Pond,” prepared by Kent Associates to include conceptual plans for both North Wayne and Villages, that meet state and local regulations. And, prepare a report to the both the Selectboard for eventual approval at Town Meeting.

Number of Members: Minimum 3 and Maximum 5.

Residency Requirement: Wayne seasonal or full-time residents only.

Qualifications of Members: Anybody interested in assisting the Selectboard with revitalizing the village(s) and our increase our tax base.

Appointment Process: Selectboard will accept letters of interest from residents specifying their experience and desire to serve on the Village Advisory Committee. Board will advertise for interested persons, review letters of interest, and make formal appointments at a Selectboard meeting when a minimum of five (5) appointments are achieved.

Committee Organizational Structure: The Committee’s first meeting will elect a Chairperson.

Quorum: A three (3) member committee will have a quorum of 2 to conduct a meeting. A five (5) member committee will have a quorum of 3 to conduct the meeting.

Meeting Agendas: The Chair will develop each meeting agenda and post a copy of the agenda on the Town Office bulletin board at least 2 days before the meeting. The Chair will provide a copy of the agenda to the Town Clerk for the Committee’s file.

Meeting Minutes: The Committee shall maintain written records of meetings, including the results of all motions and votes. One copy of the minutes of each meeting shall be filed with the Town Clerk after approval by the committee.

Public Meetings: Committee shall hold meetings that are open to the public and issue notice of meetings, including items of discussion.

Meeting Location: Meetings will be held in the Wayne Elementary School/ Town Office. The Chair will schedule with the Town Manager for the use of the Wayne Elementary School Library, Gymnasium and/ or Town Office at least two (2) weeks in advance.


The Village Advisory Committee will review, comment and rewrite the “A Plan for Wayne Village at Mill Pond,” prepared by Kent Associates to include conceptual plans for both North Wayne and Villages, that meet state and local regulations. The Plan must be able to be adopted as a state approved “Downtown Plan.” Approved plan must seek public comment through public comments, public hearings, visioning sessions and use of survey. And, prepare a report to the both the Selectboard for eventual approval at Town Meeting.


The Village Plan will consider the following development goals including in the Town’s Comprehensive Plan:

  • Develop/ set village(s) boundaries;

Wayne: (consider including: Wayne Elementary School, Town Office, Corner Store, State Boat Launch, Post Office, Androscoggin Yacht Club, General Store, Tubby’s, Cary Library, Williams House, Village Center Fire Station, Wayne Community Church, and Ladd Recreation Center);

North Wayne: (consider including: North Wayne Building, North Wayne Church, North Wayne School House and North Wayne Fire Station).

  • Study the feasibility of making the village(s) more accessible and safe for pedestrians - bike and pedestrian improvements;
  • Consider the development of historic center designation to maintain the rural historic charm of the village(s);
  • Assess parking needs for the village(s);
  • Develop a marketing plan for village(s) (i.e. map/ brochure and/ or website);
  • Find new and develop new recreational uses for the mill pond, surrounding parks and village(s) (i.e. concerts, dances, movies, arts and crafts shows, and farmers market;
  • Find new use for empty buildings/ structures (i.e. dam, old masonic hall);
  • Remove any slum and blight conditions existing within village(s);
  • Consider improving any water quality and public health issues (i.e. community septic system);
  • Evaluate any potential improvements for small business to attract, retain and grow small businesses in the village(s).

The intent of the plan is outline a plan to assist the Selectboard with revitalizing the village(s) and our increase our tax base.