This map all town roads and basic points of interest such as (school, town office, fire stations, post Office, cemeteries, library, & historic properties)
These maps are updated by the Town's E911 Addressing Officer. The E911 Addressing Officer assigns each residence a physical or 911 address. These maps are used by emergency responders to assist in locating your residence in an emergency and by utility/ shipping companies to locate your residence.
These maps are prepared by Federal Emergency Management Agency designate 100-year flood zones for flood insurance rate purposes.
The Beginning with Habitat Maps are compiled and provided to municipalities by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to assist municipalities conserve Maine's natural landscape for plants, animals and people.
This mapping system is developed by the Town's tax assessor. These maps estimate boundary lines and should not be used as a boundary survey. These maps are used for tax assessment and for land-use planning purposes. Everybody real estate property tax payer has a Tax Map/ Parcel ID (eg. 001-001). Use the index map to locate your neighborhoods or tax map (Wayne has 17 tax maps) and each map is broken down into parcels. You can use the tax commitment book to locate your Tax Map/ Parcel ID.
This mapping system combines all of the maps from above.